Saturday, June 4, 2011

Would you buy this book? v4.0

Have you ever really taken a good look at the people around you? The people you see every day. People you think you know. Have you taken a close look at people who pass you by in the parking lot of the department store? Have you ever wondered about that knowing smile people sometimes give you as you meet them in the aisle?

I do. Now.

But I didn't always. That was before, back when I didn't know about the people that live and work around us every day, that aren't quite like us. They look like us. They act like us, for the most part. But they are significantly different in ways that might make you wet down your leg the next time you are alone after dark and hear a strange noise.

It all started on a seemingly normal, boring day, back when I still had boring days. I was driving to work after lunch. Okay, sure, I live too far from work to drive home for lunch and I drive a gas guzzler. But I suffer from separation anxiety. Severely. And that's really minor compared to the anxiety I've been suffering lately.

You see, I was going through the intersection at 4th and Florida and was nearly plowed by a delivery truck that was running the light. But in a moment of absolute clarity I noticed the truck barreling toward me and stomped on the gas to avoid the collision. The truck driver noticed me at the same moment. Turns out there was a pretty blond walking her dog down the sidewalk. She was much more interesting than the traffic light.

Where do you think that clarity came from? I didn't know then, I just thought my guardian angel saved me. Turns out I was right. You see, good and not necessarily good and absolutely evil are at war all around us and we are totally oblivious. Personally, I liked it better when I was one of the unaware.

For example: you know that seemingly innocuous door at the bio-resource center where you donate plasma? The one you assume leads to the janitor closet or supply room. Never assume. Because you know what that does. That door might as well be labeled 'Way Beyond'. Because what goes on in the rooms where that door leads is way beyond anything I ever imagined. And that is just the beginning of the things I've learned since I am no longer among the oblivious.

And the truck driver? He wasn't really a truck driver. And the truck? It wasn't really a delivery truck. In the back of the truck were armed warriors and a prisoner who falls under the absolutely evil category that I mentioned.

Unfortunately, my moment of clarity was the 'not really a truck driver' pushing my brain to react in a way that would avoid the accident. He couldn't afford for an accident to allow that prisoner to escape. So he did something that was really in the gray area as far as the rules are concerned. And that was the end of his interest in me. But that sudden mental clarity caused me to be wide open for a second. And during that second, I caught the attention of one of the warriors. One who became obsessed with me and my well being. It also caught the attention of the prisoner. And that prisoner is the protagonist in this little story. So try and keep up, because things are going to get really weird. And scary, if you aren't into things that go bump in the night.

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