Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cause and Effect

This photo got me in a lot of trouble. First of all, what was I thinking? I had it enlarged and displayed on my dresser for Heaven's sake. Okay, let me go on record as saying, I never one single time before the age of 32 thought out cause and effect for longer than 15 minutes into the future. What I'm saying is: I'm impulsive. Yep, there I said it, I feel better now. Oh, I would think about things like, 'if I don't get gas now I will run out on the way home'. But I never ever thought about how any action, thought or deed or lack of those things would affect anything in my future beyond Saturday night. Honestly. My future never once occurred to me prior to the Bellagio incident. (Another story, another time.)

But for now, let me explain this photo: First of all, my folks were out of town. I have no earthly idea where they had gone. But where ever they were, I didn't want to be. At the time, hanging with the parental units was at the top of my list of things that constituted bloody torture. Let me go on record as saying that the parental units are way more cool now than they were in those days. <LOL?> At any rate, after the football game a bunch of my band geek friends got wind that a party zone was in the vicinity. I'm sure it had nothing to do with somebody standing on a chair yelling PARRRRRRR-TY.

One of my friends took the photo with the yearbook staff 35mm. The other details are rather fuzzy. It wasn't really a wild and crazy party unless you count banging out 'Jump' on the piano and everyone singing David Lee Roth songs at the top of their lungs.

This was the first of many Senior year, the parents are gone, parties. I used to love to regale the tales to my Mom, long after I left home. The shock value was priceless. Anyway, she knew about that particular party, because the evidence was sitting on my dresser. And man did she ever let me have it. After that, I learned to do a better job of hiding the evidence.

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