Monday, March 21, 2011

My Extreme Happiness

Emotionally speaking, the last two weeks have been deep dark days of depression for me. I was supposed to get a week off of work. But I couldn’t take the time until I had a certain project completed, and the time off had an expiration date. I won’t bore you with the details of my work that makes even me flatline. But I had a show stopper problem that I just couldn’t figure out. I spent days testing things to try and figure it out. One day was so long that I put 414 hours on my time entry. (A typo. It was supposed to be 4 hours 14 minutes.) At any rate, the whole thing wrecked me. In. Every. Way.

During this time, I kept loosing things. It was very disconcerting. I had a complete melt down last weekend because I couldn’t find the pruning shears. They are ALWAYS hanging on a hook in the shed. They weren’t hanging on the hook and I didn’t find them even after tearing everything apart in the shed and garage. Of course you know where this is going…. iWof used them last.

But the most perplexing, upsetting, expensive thing I lost during these dark days was my Extreme Happiness. (Irony, anyone?) This is, of course, a set of tropical acrylic stamps. I was totally upset and perplexed. I tore through every bit of my extensive collection of scrapbooking supplies looking for that stamp set. Twice. My poor friends had to listen to me lamenting about it numerous times.

And I was a wreck, but I had to soldier on.

Finally, on Friday, I found the problem that was holding up my project at work, and my universe suddenly realigned. Things are moving forward. The sun came out. I slept for 14 hours straight.

Since Mike’s was having a big sale on scrapbook storage, I decided to reorganize a bit. There is a tall shelf in front of my window in my studio and it is blocking all of that beautiful sunshine. So, it had to go and because of the sale, the items I needed to reorganize were a reasonable price.

I put together all of the RTA storage cubes. Then I pulled everything out into the middle of the room, moved the shelf, and started putting everything back in the new storage pieces. In a tub full of miscellaneous crap, I found my Extreme Happiness. If any of you know how it got there, please let me know.

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